# Server Configuration
# Using Command Line Arguments
Command line arguments can be passed to the server as --parameter=value
Parameter | Required | Description |
--config | false | Path to the configuration file. If you use this argument, you can define all of the other command line arguments in a configuration file. See the "Configuring Typesense" section for more details. |
--api-key | true | A bootstrap admin API key that allows all operations. Be sure to create additional keys with specific ACLs using the key management API. NOTE: Don't expose this admin API key to your browser JS client: use the key management API to create search-only or scoped API keys. |
--data-dir | true | Path to the directory where data will be stored on disk. |
--api-address | false | Address to which Typesense API service binds. Default: |
--api-port | false | Port on which Typesense API service listens. Default: 8108 |
--peering-address | false | Internal IP address to which Typesense peering service binds. If this parameter is not specified, Typesense will attempt to use the first available internal IP. |
--peering-port | false | Port on which Typesense peering service listens. Default: 8107 |
--nodes | false | Path to file containing comma separated string of all nodes in the cluster. |
--log-dir | false | By default, Typesense logs to stdout and stderr. To enable logging to a file, provide a path to a logging directory. |
--ssl-certificate | false | Path to the SSL certificate file. You must also define ssl-certificate-key to enable HTTPS. |
--ssl-certificate-key | false | Path to the SSL certificate key file. You must also define ssl-certificate to enable HTTPS. |
--enable-cors | false | Allow JavaScript client to access Typesense directly from the browser. |
# Using a Configuration File
As an alternative to command line arguments, you can also configure Typesense server through a configuration file or via environment variables.
Command line arguments are given the highest priority, while environment variables are given the least priority.
./typesense-server --config=/etc/typesense/typesense-server.ini
Our Linux DEB/RPM packages install the configuration file at /etc/typesense/typesense-server.ini
The configuration file uses a simple INI format:
; /etc/typesense/typesense-server.ini
api-key = Rhsdhas2asasdasj2
data-dir = /tmp/ts
log-dir = /tmp/logs
api-port = 9090
# Using Environment Variables
If you wish to use environment variables, you can do that too. The environment variables map to the command line arguments documented above: just use CAPS and underscores instead of hyphens, and prefix the variable names with TYPESENSE_
For example, use TYPESENSE_DATA_DIR
for the --data-dir
TYPESENSE_DATA_DIR=/tmp/ts TYPESENSE_API_KEY=AS3das2awQ2 ./typesense-server