# Typesense API Reference for v26.0

This section of the documentation details all the API Endpoints available in Typesense and all the parameters you can use with them.

Use the links on the side navigation bar to get to the appropriate section you're looking for.

To learn how to install and run Typesense, see the Guide section instead.

# What's new

This release contains important new features, performance improvements and bug fixes.

# New Versioning Scheme

Starting with this release, we're dropping the 0.x.y versioning scheming and switching to a x.y versioning scheme.

So we're going from 0.25 --> 26.0.

Typesense has been production-ready for a few years now, and is actively used at scale in production, serving billions of search requests per month just on Typesense Cloud, and several billions more in self-hosted clusters.

We originally intended the 0.x versioning scheme to communicate that there might be backward in-compatible changes between versions. In reality though, we've only had to do two backward incompatible changes over the years. However, the usage of the previous 0.x versioning scheme seemed to mis-communicate Typesense's production-readiness among new users, causing confusion.

Switching from 0.x to 1.x also seemed to mis-communicate the progress and feature-set maturity we've built over the years. So we decided to simply drop the 0. and switch to whole numbers for major versions, to convey Typesense's progress over the last 8 years.

# New Features

  • Built-in Conversational Search (RAG): You can now seamlessly run a semantic search and then pass the result to an LLM for summarizing the result as an answer.
  • Image Search: Search through images using text descriptions of their contents, or perform similarity searches, using the CLIP model.
  • Voice Search: Capture and send query via voice recordings -- Typesense will transcribe (via Whisper model) and provide search results.
  • JOINs: Connect one or more collections via common reference fields and join them during query time. This allows you to model SQL-like relationships elegantly.
  • Search Personalization using Historical Queries: The vector_query parameter in Vector Search supports a qs parameter (stands for plural of the q parameter) that accepts a comma-separated list of historical search queries. We compute the average embedding of these queries and use that as the vector for search.
  • Analytics:
  • Sorting based on Filter Score: You can now use _eval in sort_by and assign scores to records that match particular filters, to boost or bury a set of records together. the filter expression.
  • Stemming: Allows handling common word variations of the same root word. This is helpful for different word-forms of the same root word (eg: plurals / singular).
    • Eg: Searching for walking, will also return results with walk, walked, walks, etc when stemming is enabled.
    • Docs (opens new window). See the stem: true property under the fields parameter.
  • Prefix Filtering: During filtering, you can now query on records that begin with a given prefix string.
    • Eg: company_name: Acm* will return names that begin with acm.
    • Previously, only full-word or full-attribute-value matching was possible in filter_by and only q supported prefix matches.
  • Stop Words: Specify a list of common words (e.g.a, am, the, are, etc.) that should be excluded from the indexing and search process to improve search relevance and performance.
  • Curate / Override by Tags: You can tag override rules with tags and then trigger curation by referring to the rule by the tag name directly at search time.

# Enhancements

  • Collection schema changes only block writes now, and reads will be serviced as usual. Previously both reads and writes were blocked.
  • Sort facets alphabetically or by the value of another field: Sort facet values can now be sorted in alphabetical order for display via "facet_by": "phone(sort_by: _alpha:asc)" or on the value of another field via "facet_by": "recipe.name(sort_by: recipe.calories:asc)"
  • Fetching parent of faceted field: When you facet on a nested field like color.name you can now set "facet_return_parent": "color.name". This will return the parent color object as parent property in the facet response.
  • Improved faceting and filtering performance: Query planner has been optimized to handle many common patterns better.
  • NOT contains: Exclude results that contains a specific string during filtering. For example, "filter_by": "artist:! Jackson" will exclude all documents whose artist field value contains the word jackson.
  • Excluding IDs via filtering: The id field now support the :!= operation, so "filter_by": "id:!=[id1, id2]" will exclude documents that have an id value of id1 or id2.
  • Configurable HNSW Parameters: M, efConstruction and efSearch have been made configurable.
  • Disable typos for numerical tokens: Use enable_typos_for_numerical_tokens: false parameter to disable typos on numerical.
  • Customize URL for OpenAI embedding API: This allows you to use other OpenAI compatible APIs.
  • Pagination for collections, synonyms & overrides listing: These API end-points now support limit and offset GET parameters.
  • Store custom metadata with collection schema: While creating a collection you can send a metadata object field, which is persisted along with collection schema. This is useful for record keeping.
  • Store metadata with override rules: Store a metadata object within an override, so that the search end-point response will return the pre-defined metadata associated for that rule. This can can be used to display a message on the front-end.
  • Faster numerical range queries: You can set range_index: true in a field's schema for fast range queries (this will incur additional memory overhead though).
  • Prevent the contents of a field from being stored on-disk via the store: false field property.
  • Expose information about applied typo tolerance or dropped tokens in text_match_info response.
  • Option to ignore "not found" error when deleting an object that's already deleted.
  • Allow a field which is configured as index: false + optional: false. Previously this was not allowed.
  • Exposed swap usage as a metric in /metrics.json API.
  • The /health API returns additional information about memory/disk exhaustion.
  • Support overriding wildcard query via "q": "*" in rules.
  • Build support for Apple M1 / M2 / M3
  • Add option to expand prefix search query via the expand_query parameter for suggestion aggregation.
  • Auto deletion of expired API keys when the autodelete: true property is set during key creation.
  • Make the size of search cache configurable via the --cache-num-entries server flag. Default is 1000.
  • Add flag for logging search query at the start of req cycle.
  • Improved on-disk compaction: prunes older records more aggressively, leading to better bounds on data storage.

# Bug Fixes

  • Fixed multiple synonym substitutions in query yielding no results.
  • Fix typo_tokens_threshold not considering the number of grouped hits.
  • Fixed odd behavior when _eval condition in sort_by contained a comma.
  • Fixed object type auto-creating schema for nested fields even for non-indexed fields.
  • Fixed open quote present in search query treated as phrase search.
  • Fixed facet by range not working with decimal numbers or with numerical labels or labels that contain spaces.
  • Fixed extra new line showing up in the import API response.
  • Fixed face range end values being exclusive in nature when it should be inclusive.
  • Fixed edge cases in handling unicode in German / Thai locales.
  • Fixed facet counts being incorrect when combined with grouping and pinning.
  • Fixed highlighting quirks on long documents.
  • Fixed inheritance of sort field property for nested fields.
  • Fixed propagation of dynamic field properties for child nested fields.
  • Fixed some edge cases in phrase search.
  • Fixed update doc API returning 200 status code, instead of 201.

# Deprecations / behavior changes

We refactored the faceting data structures to improve efficiency. This had an impact on how the total_values in facet_stats is computed for low-cardinality facet fields: it's now computed only within the results returned, instead of on the whole dataset. To get the correct value, use Typesense v27 and send this additional search parameter:

"facet_strategy": "exhaustive"

This will force Typesense to compute facets in an exhaustive manner and allows the total_values to be exact.

# Upgrading

Before upgrading your existing Typesense cluster to v26.0, please review the behavior changes above to prepare your application for the upgrade.

We'd recommend testing on your development / staging environments before upgrading.

# Typesense Cloud

If you're on Typesense Cloud:

  1. Go to https://cloud.typesense.org/clusters (opens new window).
  2. Click on your cluster
  3. Click on "Cluster Configuration" on the left-side pane, and then click on "Modify"
  4. Select a new Typesense Server version in the dropdown
  5. Schedule a time for the upgrade.

# Self Hosted

If you're self-hosting Typesense, here's how to upgrade:

# Single node deployment

  1. Trigger a snapshot to create a backup (opens new window) of your data, for safety purposes.
  2. Stop Typesense server.
  3. Replace the binary via the tar package or via the DEB/RPM installer.
  4. Start Typesense server back again.

# Multi-node deployment

To upgrade a multi-node cluster, we will be proceeding node by node to ensure the cluster remains healthy during the rolling upgrade.

NOTE: During the upgrade, we have to ensure that the leader of the cluster is using the older Typesense version. So we will upgrade the leader last. You can determine whether a node is a leader or follower by the value of the state field in the /debug end-point response.

State Role
  1. Trigger a snapshot to create a backup (opens new window) of your data on the leader node.
  2. On any follower, stop Typesense and replace the binary via the tar package or via the DEB/RPM installer.
  3. Start Typesense server back again and wait for node to rejoin the cluster as a follower and catch-up (/health should return healthy).
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the other followers, leaving the leader node uninterrupted for now.
  5. Once all followers have been upgraded to v26.0, stop Typesense on the leader.
  6. The other nodes will elect a new leader and keep working.
  7. Replace the binary on the old leader and start the Typesense server back again.
  8. This node will re-join the cluster as a follower, and we are done.

# Downgrading

Once you upgrade to v26 of Typesense Server, you can only downgrade back to v0.25.x.


This documentation itself is open source. If you find any issues, click on the Edit page button at the bottom of the page and send us a Pull Request.

Last Updated: 8/27/2024, 4:22:29 PM