# Full-text Search for Firebase with Typesense

Firebase (opens new window) is a popular app development platform backed by Google and used by developers across the globe. It gives you a variety of tools to build, release and monitor your applications. However, there is no native indexing or search solution with Firebase.

The Firebase documentation (opens new window) talks about using services like Algolia and Elasticsearch and more recently Typesense for full-text search. Algolia is a good solution, but it is proprietary and can be expensive for even moderate scale. Elasticsearch is a versatile search solution, but it has a steep learning curve and running Elasticsearch in production requires a non-trivial amount of devops knowledge, even with Elastic Cloud.

Enter Typesense - Typesense is an open-source (opens new window) typo-tolerant fuzzy search engine that is easy to use, run and scale, with clean APIs and documentation. Think of it as an open source alternative to Algolia and an easier-to-use, batteries-included alternative to ElasticSearch. Typesense is blazing fast and highly configurable, so you can tailor results according to your needs. You can learn more about Typesense features here (opens new window).

You can either self-host Typesense or use the managed SaaS service Typesense Cloud (opens new window).


We've published a Firebase Extension that you can install into your Firebase project with a few clicks, to automatically sync Firestore documents into Typesense.

Here's how to set it up: https://github.com/typesense/firestore-typesense-search (opens new window).

If you choose to use this extension, you can skip directly to Step 4 below, once you set up the extension.

In this walk-through, we are going to show you how to integrate Typesense with Firebase, to build a full-text search experience for your Firebase app.

We'll assume that you're already familiar with Firebase, Firestore and how these tools work. To get started, let's take a sample app that stores book titles and their publication year.

// books/${bookID}
    id: string,
    title: string,
    publication_year: int32

# Step 1: Run Typesense

The easiest way to run Typesense is using Typesense cloud (opens new window), which is the hosted version of Typesense:

  1. Visit https://cloud.typesense.org (opens new window) and Login with GitHub.
  2. Select the configuration you need or leave the defaults as is and click on "Launch"
  3. Your cluster should be fully provisioned and running in about 5 minutes. Then click on "Generate API Key".

We'll now use the hostname and API keys you generate for the rest of the tutorial.

You can also run Typesense locally or on a server on GCP, if you choose to self-host. Here are instructions on how to install Typesense on any cloud server.

# Step 2: Create a Typesense Collection

To use Typesense, we first need to create a client. Typesense supports multiple API clients including Javascript, Python, Ruby, PHP etc.

To initialize the Javascript client, you need the API key of the Typesense server you generated in Step 1:

import Typesense from 'typesense'

let client = new Typesense.Client({
  'nodes': [{
    'host': 'xxx.a1.typesense.net', // where xxx is the ClusterID of your Typesense Cloud cluster
    'port': '443',
    'protocol': 'https'
  'apiKey': '<ADMIN_API_KEY>',
  'connectionTimeoutSeconds': 2

Next, we'll create a collection. A collection is a group of related documents, you can think of it as a table in relational databases. A collection needs a schema, that represents how a document would look like.

const myCollection = {
  'name': 'books',
  'fields': [
    {'name': 'id', 'type': 'string'},
    {'name': 'title', 'type': 'string' },
    {'name': 'publication_year', 'type': 'int32' },
  'default_sorting_field': 'publication_year'


We created a collection called books and the documents stored in the books collection will have three fields - id, title and publication_year.

id is an interesting field here as Typesense uses it as an identifier for the document. If there is no id field, Typesense automatically assigns an identifier to the document. Note that the id should not include spaces or any other characters that require encoding in urls (opens new window).

For this tutorial, we will use the Firestore ID of the document as the id value.

# Step 3: Write data to Typesense

Next, we'll write functions to listen to change events from Firestore and write the changes to Typesense.

# New Documents

We'll create a function to add to the search index (aka collection) in Typesense, whenever a new document is created.

exports.onBookCreate = functions.firestore.document('/books/{bookID}')
  .onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
    // Grab the document id as id value.
    id = context.params.bookID
    const { title, publication_year } = snapshot.data();
    document = {id, title, publication_year}

    // Index the document in books collection  
    return client.collections('books').documents().create(document)

# Document Updates

Similarly, you can update and delete documents as well.

exports.onBookUpdate = functions.firestore.document('books/{bookID}')
  .onUpdate( (change, context) => {
    // Grab the changed value
    const { id, title, publication_year } = change.after.data();
    document = {id, title, publication_year}
    return client.collections('books').documents(id).update(document)

# Document Deletions

For delete operations, you just need the id of the document:

exports.onBookDelete = functions.firestore.document('books/{bookID}')
  .onDelete((snap, context) => {
    // Get the document id
    id = context.params.bookID
    return client.collections('books').documents(id).delete()

You can also delete a bunch of document based on a condition as described here.

# Step 4: Let the search begin!

Once the data is indexed, you can query it using simple search parameters:

let search = {
	'q' : '<SEARCH_VALUE>',
	'query_by': 'title',

  .then(function (searchResults) {

Typesense is a typo-tolerant search engine. So, even if you make a typographical error in the search query, you would still get the most relevant result.

# Build a Search UI

You can now add a search bar using instantsearch.js (opens new window), an open-sourced collection of UI components, built by Algolia.

Typesense has an instantsearch adapter (opens new window) that you can use to create UI-based search interfaces, but send the queries to Typesense.

Install the Instantsearch Adapter using:

npm install typesense-instantsearch-adapter react-instantsearch-dom @babel/runtime

Next, create a search interface using react-instantsearch:

import { InstantSearch, SearchBox, Hits, Stats } from "react-instantsearch-dom"
import TypesenseInstantSearchAdapter from "typesense-instantsearch-adapter"
const typesenseInstantsearchAdapter = new TypesenseInstantSearchAdapter({
  server: {
    apiKey: "xyz", // Be sure to use a Search API Key
    nodes: [
        host: 'xxx.a1.typesense.net', // where xxx is the ClusterID of your Typesense Cloud cluster
        port: '443',
        protocol: 'https'
  // The following parameters are directly passed to Typesense's search API endpoint.
  //  So you can pass any parameters supported by the search endpoint below.
  //  query_by is required.
  additionalSearchParameters: {
    query_by: "title,description,tags",
const searchClient = typesenseInstantsearchAdapter.searchClient
export default function SearchInterface() {
  const Hit = ({ hit }) => (
      {hit.title} - {hit.description}
return (
      <InstantSearch searchClient={searchClient} indexName="pages_v1">
        <SearchBox />
        <Stats />
        <Hits hitComponent={Hit} />

Instantsearch.js is very powerful and you can use it to create pretty interesting search widgets. You can read more about it here (opens new window).

And that's it! As we saw above, Typesense is easy to set up and simple to use. You can use it with your apps to create fast, typo-tolerant search interfaces. If you face any difficulties with Typesense or would like to see any new features added, head over to our GitHub repo (opens new window) and create an issue.

If we can make any improvements to this guide, click on the "Edit page" link below and send us a pull request.

Last Updated: 8/28/2024, 10:30:02 PM